Animal Crossing: Fairy Tale Challenge!
WEDNESDAY, August 19, 7-9 PM
Join our resident island librarian Page between 7-9 PM to the celebrate the magic of the library! Drop by the library island inside the Nintendo Switch game Animal Crossing. Wear a fairy tale outfit, compete in a challenge, try our obstacle course, and win an in-game prize!
To visit us during the festivities, please sign up for text alerts. Text @brklibAC to 81010 to sign up to receive the dodo codes on your phone. All texts will be sent via Remind and phone numbers will be kept confidential.
During the two hour period, we ask that players are mindful of how long they stay — we want to make sure as many players as possible can visit!
Remember, if you can’t fly in at first try, wait a minute and try again. We’re looking forward to seeing you on BRKLib island!
Virtual Read and Meet Book Discussion
THURSDAY, August 20 at 7 PM
Join this group of book-loving Millennials for an online discussion of our August selection, Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri.
You’ll find the Zoom meeting here.
Meeting ID: 823 7372 7896 Password: 2tUr3v
Virtual Dungeons and Dragons
FRIDAY, August 21 at 2 PM
Teen and Tweens in grades 5-12, join us for weekly D&D campaigns – virtually! All participants will need free accounts on dndbeyond.com and roll20.net. A computer with speakers and microphone capabilities is a plus, but not required. Those without a microphone can participate through text.
All game sessions will be Fridays at 2 PM. Participants will have access to all of the Library’s digital content on D&D Beyond, including all handbooks and guides. Participants will receive an email roughly 30 minutes before the campaign begins with a link to be invited to our specific campaign.
Teen Librarian Office Hours: Summer Reading
WEDNESDAY, August 26 at 7:30 PM
Are you looking for some advice on your summer reading? Would you like a few title recommendations to help you get through the end of the summer? Join our Teen Librarian for one on one help via Zoom in finding a title that you will enjoy to complete your summer reading before September rolls around.
Join the Teen Librarian on Zoom here.
Meeting ID: 160 592 6918 Passcode: .BT5?um@
Please note: all conversations will be one Zoom account at a time, so you may be in our waiting room for a bit as we bring in people one by one. Please be patient with us! Think of it as waiting for the librarian to be free at a desk.
Mystery Book Group
TUESDAY, August 25 at noon
Join the Mystery Book Group as we discuss The Lynching by Laurence Leamer!
Or call in at +1 929 205 6099 with meeting ID 814 1985 4732 and password 612340.