Monday, September 28th 2020
Hello reader!
Read on for what's happening at the library this week.
Brookline Newspapers Digitized
We are proud to announce that the Library has partnered with Advantage Preservation to digitize Brookline newspapers from our local history collection. You can now explore fully searchable digitized editions of Brookline Chronicle (1874-1880) and The Chronicle (1881-1918) online.
Virtual Screening of Rigged
TUESDAY, October 6 at 7 PM
RIGGED: The Voter Suppression Playbook is an award-winning documentary that exposes the nefarious tactics used to suppress the vote and serves to spark discussion on the actions needed to protect our democracy. Shot principally during the 2016 election but still relevant today, the film tracks a systematic, decade-long effort to reverse the impact of the growing demographic tide of non-white and younger voters who helped elect President Barack Obama in 2008. It details a variety of voter suppression “plays,” or tactics, ranging from the purging of voting rolls and passing of new, restrictive voter ID laws to gerrymandering and voter intimidation. The film includes revealing interviews detailing how the voter suppression game is played as well as cogent insights from leading voting rights advocates and law professors. It is narrated by Tony & Emmy award-winning actor, Jeffrey Wright.
Following the screening of the film, there will be a discussion on voting rights and democracy in the time of COVID-19 with executive producer, Mac Heller.
This screening will be presented via Zoom Webinar. A link will be emailed to all RSVPs 48 hours in advance of the screening. Please register here.
In partnership with the Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Community Relations and the League of Women Voters of Brookline. This program is part of the Library’s civic engagement series. Learn more about this series on our website.
Virtual Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration
Join us for a virtual Mid-Autumn Festival! Starting Tuesday, September 29, we’ll be featuring Mid-Autumn Festival videos on our YouTube Channel, including an Introduction to Chinese Calligraphy, a lantern craft, moon cake baking, and more. Make sure to check them out here!
Although our craft kits have sold out, you can still celebrate with us! In addition to following our YouTube videos, the riddles and craft instruction sheets included in the kits will be made available on our website.
Generously sponsored by the Brookline Library Foundation.
Virtual Mindfulness for Tweens
Starts FRIDAY, October 2 at 3 PM
We’re happy to be partnering with Mindful Minis Boston for a multi-week mindfulness series made specifically for tweens (grades 5-7). Class activities will help tweens calm their minds, understand how their brains work, keep them physically aware, handle emotions, boost positivity, and have fun! Each session will last around 30 minutes.
Registration through Eventbrite is required. Please register here.
Generously sponsored by The Brookline Library Foundation.
Virtual Stuffed Animal Slumber Party!
MONDAY, October 5 - FRIDAY, October 9
Join the Youth Services team for a fun week of activities with your favorite friends - your stuffed animals! Since we cannot hold our annual Stuffed Animal Sleepover this year, we’ve come up with some picture prompts for you and your stuffed animals to complete at home. Be sure to send us your pictures of the days’ prompts for a chance to be featured on our website and social media, and even to win a brand new stuffed animal friend!
You can send us your pictures in a few different ways! You can use social media, such as posting a comment on our Facebook post with your photo, or tagging the Library (@brklib) on Instagram or Twitter. Or you can email pictures to brkyouth@minlib.net with the subject line “Stuffed Animal Sleepover.”
Check out the week's photo prompts on our website!
Virtual Boabom Series: Meditation
WEDNESDAYS, October 7, 14, and 21 at 7 PM
In this hour-long, fully guided class, you will learn and practice a variety of relaxation and meditation techniques based in Boabom, a Tibetan system of meditation, breathing, and movement. Combining breathing, sound, visualization, and imagination, Boabom Meditation will help you develop mindfulness, slow down, and release stress. Suitable for both new and experienced meditators. It’s recommended that you have a yoga mat, pillow or bolster, as much of the class will take place seated or lying down.
Generously sponsored by a grant from the Brookline Community Foundation.