Monday, March 15th 2021

Hello reader!

Read on for what's happening at the library.

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Women's History Month Reading Recommendations

Women's History Month
Celebrate Women's History Month with our digital book display! We're highlighting books and movies by and about women throughout history for readers of all ages. Each item is available through the Minuteman Library Network. All you need is your library card!

Check out our recommendations here!

Telehealth Today and Tomorrow

laptop with medicine symbol

TUESDAY, March 16 at 3 PM

Telehealth has transformed and expanded rapidly in the past year. How is the medical field adjusting to these changes—and preparing for more? Join panelists from the MGH Center for Telehealth and the Simmons School of Nursing for this discussion of trends and innovations in telehealth. Bring your questions!

To register for the Zoom webinar, please click here.
Thanks to media sponsor Brookline Interactive Group, the program will also be live-streamed at, and broadcast on Community Channel – Brookline RCN and Comcast Cable Channel 3.

Tween/Teen Fandom and Teen Stress Less Kits

DRAFT Teen Stress Less Kit Evenbrite Banner (18)
Feeling a little stressed? Want to share your fandom? Grab a Teen Stress Less Kit or a Tween/Teen Fandom Kit to relax and create! You can reserve one of our March kits right now!

We know that you all miss being able to hang out and relax in the library. That's why we've created Teen Stress Less Kits - complete with everything you need to take a break from screens, complete a relaxing project, and have fun. Our March Tea Time kit (for grades 8-12) comes with (almost) everything you need to make green tea lip scrub and a green tea eye mask, as well as scratchboard and a stylus to create some art!

In the mood to share your fandom? Grab a Fandom kit for a fun fandom-related crafts for tweens and teens. This month's Animal Crossing kit (recommended for grades 5-12) comes with everything you need to make a papier-mache Animal Crossing style costume.
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Virtual Japanese Storytime

Japanese Storytime Pic

MONDAY, March 22 at 10:30 AM

Join us for virtual stories and songs in Japanese. Ages five and under.

Sign up to join the Japanese Storytime here!
このお話し会に参加希望のご家族は、 このサンアップボタンから登録してください

To watch the Facebook livestream, click here.
また、ブルックライン図書館のイベントはこちらのFacebook のボタンから確認できます。

Virtual Gentle Chair Yoga with Keith Beasley


FRIDAY, March 26 at 10:30 AM

Gentle Chair Yoga returns Friday, March 26! This class is designed for those seeking improved strength, flexibility, and balance with gentle movements and gently performed yoga postures. The class will be done seated in a chair with some optional standing.

Sign up for Gentle Chair Yoga here!
When you sign up, you will be sent the Zoom link, Meeting ID, and password. After you join and enter the password, you’ll be placed in a waiting room and accepted into the meeting at 10:30 AM.

Did you know the Library also posts recordings of Gentle Chair Yoga? Check them out and practice yoga whenever you want!

Act Up & Vote! Virtual Screening and Talkback

DRAFT Act Up & Vote Play Apr APC 2021

MONDAY, April 5 at 7 PM

Central Square Theater’s Youth Underground presents a screening of the original play Act Up & Vote! followed by a talkback with the performers. Act Up & Vote! is a work of investigative theater that explores voting and civic engagement.

Inspired by interviews with community members and experts, in-school residencies with area high-school students, and an in-depth workshop and development process with a professional playwright and director, the primary aim of this project is to create a dynamic, visually engaging, accessible play that will help new voters better understand how government works and why their votes matter.

Act Up & Vote! will resonate with adults, teens, and tweens. The screening will run for approximately 70 minutes, followed by a talkback where you’ll have a chance to hear from the performers and ask questions.

Sign up for the Act Up & Vote! Virtual Screening and Talkback here!
This event is in partnership with Brookline High School and generously sponsored by the Library Trustees.
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