This year's Summer Reading theme is Tails and Tales, so why not try a story featuring animals? Our display of books (and a few movies) includes fiction and nonfiction for adults and kids of all ages - featuring everything from fantastical beasts like dragons to incredible real-life sea creatures to our own pet dogs. Each item is available through the Minuteman Library Network, so all you need is your library card.
And there's still time to sign up for the Summer Reading Program! Kids can log your reading to earn a kit that you can use to create your very own, stuffed-animal Lib Buddy. Continue reading up to 50 hours to earn extra features and accessories to further personalize your Lib Buddy. Adults can read for 20 hours and earn a $1 voucher to the Friends of the Brookline Library Book Sale (many of the books cost $1 or less). Continue reading up to 50 hours to be entered into a grand prize raffle for gift cards to local Brookline businesses. Sign up here!
Create Your Own Lib Buddy
Pinkypie the Lib Buddy reigns over the castle in the Brookline Village children's room. You can get a kit to make your own Lib Buddy by signing up for our summer reading program and reading for 20 hours! Want to learn how to customize your Lib Buddy? Check out our crafting videos!
Summer Storytime @ Brookline Village
Brookline Village Library Lawn
TUESDAY, July 20 at 10 AM
Join us for stories under the sun! We’ll share approximately 30 minutes of stories and songs geared for our friends ages 5 and under. Summer Storytimes will be held outdoors, and in the case of inclement weather, will be canceled. When attending Library programs, please wear a mask which covers your nose and mouth. Children ages 2 through 11 and unvaccinated teens and adults must wear masks at all times. You may be asked to keep distance between yourself and staff, and social distancing with other patrons is highly encouraged.
To sign up for text updates on all of our summer programming, including program cancellations, text “@brksummer” to 81010!
Outdoor English Club
FRIDAY, July 23 at noon
Join us to practice English! This session will be meeting outdoors, atEmerson Garden, near the Brookline Village Library (click here for a map). This English Club is open to adult learners of all levels.
Children are welcome to join their parents during English Club, but please do not leave them unsupervised. When attending Library programs, unvaccinated children and adults must wear masks. If you have any questions please contact
If it is raining, or if it is 90 degrees Fahrenheit or hotter, English Club will meet onZoominstead.
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