Wednesday, December 27th 2023

Hello reader!

Read on for what's happening at the library.

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Holiday Hours

All Public Library of Brookline locations will be closed Monday, January 1. Regular hours will resume on Tuesday, January 2.

Saturday Snacks: Cake Tasting with Athan’s Bakery

Putterham Library

SATURDAY, December 30 at 2 PM

Join us at the Putterham Library for a special cake tasting event – featuring the delicious pastries of Athan’s Bakery! Between 2 and 3 PM as supplies last, drop in and you’ll be given six different cake samples to taste. Can you guess which one is which?

This event is generously sponsored by the Brookline Library Foundation and the Library Trustees.

About the Library

Curious about how the Library functions or looking for guidelines for visiting and using our resources? A great place to start is the Library's policies, available on our website. Have questions? Our staff can help answer them!


Archives Office Hours

Brookline Village Library

WEDNESDAY, December 27 at 12 Noon

Ever wondered how archives are put together and how archivists decide what goes in them? Curious about what the library holds in it’s own archive? Then come to Archives Office Hours, where our archivist will discuss a collection from the library’s holdings and answers any questions you have about it and archival practice overall. This event will be held in Meeting Room A on the first floor of the Brookline Village Library.

Portraits, Pups, Prose - Closing Reception

Coolidge Corner Library

THURSDAY, January 4 at 5:30 PM

Join us for a closing reception of Brookline photographer Liz Linder’s exhibit at the Coolidge Corner Library. You’ll not only have a chance to meet the artist – you’ll also get to learn about portrait photography, practice taking photographs, and get feedback! Featuring WBUR’s Rupa Shenoy, a special guest, and author and songwriter Jim Infantino.

On the Calendar for Adults

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Ongoing Programs:
  • Movie Matinee at Coolidge Corner - Wednesday, December 27 at 1:15 PM - Screening this week: Pride & Prejudice
  • Graphic Novel Group at Brookline Village - Thursday, December 28 at 7 PM
  • English Club at Brookline Village - No meeting this week. English Club will return on January 5.
  • Hybrid Gentle Chair Yoga at Putterham - Friday, December 29 at 10:30 AM
For a listing of book group and movie screening titles, please visit our Book & Social Groups page. To see more programs, check out our events calendar.


Crafts and Cocoa!

two mugs of hot chocolate with marshmallows, sitting on tea cup saucers, with a bar of chocolate on the side
Brookline Village Library

WEDNESDAY, December 27 from 3-5 PM

Settle in for a cozy afternoon of crafting and hot cocoa! This program is for teens, tweens, and kids ages 3+. This is a drop-in program but staff may limit the number of participants to align with the fire code capacity of the room.

This event is generously sponsored by the Friends of the Brookline Public Library.

Teen & Tween Crafternoon: Vision Boards

Collage with text and images cut-out from magazines
Coolidge Corner Library

THURSDAY, December 28 at 3 PMM

What does 2024 have in store for you? Set intentions and create a vision board for the coming year using scrap paper, markers, magazines, and more! Supplies will be provided, but feel free to bring any photos or magazine cut-outs you would like to use. For tweens and teens in grades 5-12. No registration required.

This event is generously sponsored by the Brookline Library Foundation.

Afterschool Movie: Smallfoot

Brookline Village Library

WEDNESDAY, January 3 at 3 PM

Are you Yeti to have some fun? Join us for a family-friendly movie at 3 PM in Hunneman Hall and bring your own snack! We will be watching the movie Smallfoot, which has a PG rating. This program is intended for kids ages 5 and older. Children under age 8 must be accompanied by a caregiver in order to attend this program.

On the Calendar for Kids, Tweens, & Teens

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Our ongoing children's programs are on vacation this week, but we'll be back with a full calendar of programming in January!

Ongoing Programs for Kids:
  • Playspace at Coolidge Corner - Thursday, December 28 at 10:15 AM
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