Hello reader!
Read on for what's happening at the library.
Thursday, May 2 at 3:00 PM
Join us for Sensory Storytime at 3 PM on the first Thursday of the month at the Putterham Branch Library! This storytime includes songs, books, and movement activities and will be followed by a free play activity.
Sensory storytime is designed for children who may need extra sensory support or for families who are looking for a more adaptive storytime experience, but all are welcome.
This program is suggested for children ages 2-5 and their families, but you can decide if it’s the right fit for your family.
In order to help us keep this program sensory-friendly, it has a limited capacity and free tickets are required to attend. You can pick up a free ticket at the desk beginning 30 minutes before the program.
To help you and your child prepare for this program, please take a look at our social story.
Please Note: All storytimes include “sensory friendly” practices (e.g. routines, repetition, body breaks/movement, etc.). Our Sensory Storytime, however, includes additional practices such as a smaller group-size, lower lighting, lower music volume, adaptive supports, etc.
Thursday, May 2
For Kids (ages 6-12): 3:00 PM
Want to try an instrument that is fun and easy to play? Join Julie Stepanek as she shows the fundamentals of ukulele playing. No experience necessary. Ukuleles provided or bring your own.
This event is generously sponsored by the Brookline Library Foundation.
Saturday, May 4 at 1:00 PM
Ever wanted to learn how to fix or repair broken and damaged items you own, like torn clothing or broken electronics, bicycles, computers, toys, or the like? You can learn how at the Fixit Clinic. We’ll pair you with a volunteer coach who can walk you through diagnosing the problem, disassembling the item as needed, and hopefully fixing whatever the issue is. This event is open to all and registration is suggested, but not required.
Upcoming Events
For adults and teens ages 13+
For ages 5-9, free tickets required
Wednesday, May 1 at 6:30 PM
Wednesday, May 8 at 6:30 PM
On the Calendar for Adults
On the Calendar for Kids, Tweens, and Teens