Monday, April 17th 2023

Hello reader!

Read on for what's happening at the library.

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Children’s Concert with Ants on a Log

Brookline Village Library

SATURDAY, April 22 at 3 PM

Join us for a music-filled afternoon with special musical guests, Ants on a Log! They perform music for children and other childlike people, songfully advocating for positivity, social justice, and silliness. Full of humor and harmony, Ants concerts are energetic, interactive, and a delight for children and adults.

This program is for families and kids of all ages. It will be held outdoors at Brookline Village on the lawn between the Library and Town Hall. We recommend bringing a blanket or something to sit on. If the weather is not suitable for an outdoor program, it will be moved to Hunneman Hall. Any location change will be announced on Library social media and the event listing will be updated. In the event that this program is moved inside, space will be limited, so free tickets will be required.

This event is generously sponsored by the Brookline Library Foundation.

Tool Library One-Year Anniversary Showcase

Coolidge Corner Library

SATURDAY, April 22 from 1:30 - 4:30 PM

Have you heard about our tool library, but wanted to learn more about what we have? Come stop by during our Tool Library Showcase on its first anniversary! Learn more about what specific tools could be used for, check out the new tools we’ve added, and start preparing for summer projects around your place—without having to own everything you might need.
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April Vacation Week Programs

It's April vacation week, and we’ve got exciting programs for kids, tweens, and teens at all three Public Library of Brookline locations. We hope you’ll join us to learn, create, and explore! Check out what's on the calendar, and click on the links to learn more and see age ranges for each program.

Whatever Happened to the Epic?

with Robert Crossley and Jennifer Barber

Brookline Village Library

TUESDAY, April 18 at 7 PM

Epic poems have often been viewed as the dinosaur of literature: huge, impressive, a little intimidating—and extinct. This presentation—which will welcome audience members to interact with the speakers—will take up several questions: Is it true that there hasn’t been a significant epic in English since Milton’s Paradise Lost? What forms has the epic imagination taken in the modern era? Do audiences still desire the epic experience? If they do, what satisfactions does the epic offer? And, finally, does the epic have any impact on practicing writers in our own day?

Learn more about speakers Robert Crossley and Jennifer Barber here!

Comics Readathon!

Brookline Village Library

THURSDAY, April 20, from 10 AM - 4 PM

Do you have the endurance to read comics, or graphic novels, all day? How many do you think you could read? Join us for an all day comics readathon and find out the answers to those questions! Grab a cozy spot in the tween room and settle down for a day of comics, challenges, and LEGO building breaks. The readathon is recommended for kids ages 8-18, but family members of all ages are also invited to join in.

This event is generously sponsored by the Friends of the Brookline Public Library.

Pamela Means presents The Power of the Protest Song: Our Shared History & Present Day

Brookline Village Library

SATURDAY, April 29 at 2 PM

Pamela Means presents The Power of the Protest Song: Our Shared History & Present Day. Part-performance and mini-presentation, this event will explore the origin stories and lineages of protest songs, how their meanings and effects continue to transform through time and space, and how they have inspired – and continue to inspire – movements and cultural shifts within the realms of racial and social justice.

Read more about Pamela Means presents The Power of the Protest Song here!

This event is geared towards adults, teens, and tweens. Free and open to the public; no registration required. This program is supported in part by a grant from the Brookline Commission for the Arts, a local agency which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.

Poetry in Bloom

At the Minot Rose Garden
Visit the Minot Rose Garden and explore a collection of poems all related to roses! Together with our partners—Brookline Parks & Open Space and the Friends of the Minot Rose Garden—the Library is proud to present Poetry in Bloom. This project brings poetry to a beloved community rose garden in a local park.

Visit our Poetry in Bloom page to learn more about the featured poems, the Minot Rose Garden, and all sorts of library resources related to poetry and roses.

On Display at the Library

rose garden circa 1980
Coolidge Corner Library
Minot Rose Garden History - Since its creation in 1971, Brookline’s Minot Rose Garden has seen some ups and downs. Local volunteers have rallied to rescue the roses every time. In conjunction with Poetry in Bloom, this exhibit follows one such cycle of renewal through the 1980s. On display through May 31.
Brookline Village Library
Gleason’s Pictorial Drawing Room Companion - Special Collections continues to find tidbits in the image collection, including items from the 19th Century periodical, Gleason’s Pictorial Drawing Room Companion. This Boston publication was established in 1851. Gleason’s regularly featured work by artists such as Winslow Homer and John Andrew. On display through May 31.

Hans’ LEGO Cars and Jonah’s Star Wars LEGO Collection - In the Children’s Room flat case, Hans shares his collection of LEGO cars. Hans is 8 years old, and has been collecting these cars for many years. In our wall case, Jonah shares his Star Wars LEGO collection. Jonah is 10 years old, and has been building LEGO sets for more than two years. On display through April 24.
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Each week the Library holds many regularly occurring programs for adults and kids of all ages. Check out what's happening this week – and click on the links for more information and sign-ups!

For a listing of book group and movie screening titles, please visit our website.
For Adults:
For Kids:
Please note that many of our ongoing programs will not be meeting over April vacation. They will return next week!
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