Monday, June 12th 2023

Hello reader!

Read on for what's happening at the library.

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Library Closed for Juneteenth

All Public Library of Brookline locations will be closed Monday, June 19 for Juneteenth Independence Day. Regular hours will resume Tuesday, June 20.

Summer Reading Program 2023

June 20 - August 19

Join the 2023 Summer Reading Program with the Public Library of Brookline! Explore the wonderful world of reading this summer with exciting programs and fun prizes. The program is open to community members of all ages, from kids through adults. To participate, simply:

Kids: Sign Up and Log Your Reading!
Kids ages birth to entering 4th grade (ages 0-9) can sign up for the program through our online tracker, Beanstack, or by asking at any Library location. Preregistration is now open. For the duration of the program, track your hours spent reading using your Beanstack account or a paper log to spin the prize wheel and win prizes.

Tweens, Teens, and Adults: Visit the Library!
Visit any Public Library of Brookline location and check out at least one item to earn a spin on our prize wheel. Registration or logging your reading is not required for tweens, teens, or adults (ages 10+).

Everyone: Attend Programs!
We'll also be holding programs for adults and kids of all ages throughout the summer. Visit our events calendar to discover everything we have in store!

Read more about the Summer Reading Program here!

Summer Reading 2023 Kickoff Party

Putterham Library

WEDNESDAY, June 14 from 3-5 PM

It’s almost summer, so that means it’s time for Summer Reading! Celebrate the start of another fun Summer Reading season by stopping by the Library for our kickoff party. You’ll have a chance to sign up for this year’s program, win prizes, eat ice cream, and more. We can’t wait to see you there!

Allergen information will be available for all ice cream and popsicle options. This is an all-ages event. Can’t make it to this event? Check out our Summer Reading kickoff parties at the Brookline Village Library and the Coolidge Corner Library.

This event is generously sponsored by the Friends of the Brookline Public Library and the Library Trustees.
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Pride Button Making

Brookline Village Library

WEDNESDAY, June 14 at 2:30 PM

The Library is celebrating Pride – with our trusty button maker! We have supplies to make buttons featuring a wide range of Pride flags and pronouns. Stop by the front porch of the Brookline Village Library, and we’ll make a button or two for you.

This event is generously sponsored by the Library Trustees.

Goats and Giggles with Chip In Farm

Putterham Library

WEDNESDAY, June 14 from 3-5 PM

Play, run, and cuddle with some curious and playful baby Fainting Goats and Nigerian Dwarf kids from Chip In Farm in Bedford, MA. This drop-in program is for all ages. A maximum of 25 people may visit with the goats at one time.

This event is generously sponsored by the Brookline Library Foundation and the Library Trustees.

Pint Size Yoga

Brookline Village Library

FRIDAY, June 16 at 10:30 AM

Join us for Pint Size Yoga with Carol Kagan! Little ones will be guided through stretching, breathing, and age-appropriate yoga poses along with dancing and games. Yoga will be incorporated in every activity. Small yoga mats are provided. Child-only participation is encouraged, though parents and caregivers are asked to stay in the room.

This program is for kids ages 3-6 only. Free tickets will be required for this program because space is limited. Tickets will be available at the Children’s Desk at the Brookline Village Library beginning at 10 AM on the day of the program.

Carol Kagan is an experienced children’s yoga instructor based in Newton, MA. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Human Development and Early Childhood Education from Cornell University, as well as certification in yoga for children from Kripalu Center for Yoga in Lenox, MA.

This event is generously sponsored by the Brookline Library Foundation.

Helping Endangered Species with Joys of Nature

baby crocodile
Brookline Village Library

TUESDAY, June 20 at 3 and 4 PM

What is an endangered species? Why are many animals and their habitats disappearing? Learn about endangered species in the wild here in New England, and around the world, and what we can all do to help them with Joy from Joys of Nature. Don’t miss meeting some of their animal relatives!

We’ll offer two identical 30 minute sessions of this program! The first session runs 3-3:30 PM and the second session runs 4-4:30 PM. Both sessions will be held in Hunneman Hall and require a free ticket to attend. Tickets will be available at the Children's Desk half an hour before each session begins. This program is geared toward kids ages 5-9.

This event is generously sponsored by the Friends of the Brookline Public Library.

Memorias y Poesías

Coolidge Corner Library

TUESDAY, June 27 at 7 PM

¿Amas la poesía? ¿Te atrae la idea de escribir tus memorias? Acompáñanos mientras exploramos cómo combinar estas dos artes en nuestro próximo taller. La poesía ofrece a lxs escritores una magnífica oportunidad para explorar formas variadas de contar sus vivencias mientras examinan aspectos de su identidad, etnicidad, y cultura. Exploraremos varios textos para aprender de cómo otrxs memoristas usan el lenguaje, el punto de vista, y las escenas para contar sus historias.

Instructora Tanya Paris es oriunda de la República Dominicana. Ella ha sido maestra de la primaria por más de dos décadas. Tanya es la autora de más de una docena de libros infantiles. Ella también es novelista y memoirista. Tanya vive en Brookline con su esposo y sus dos hijos adolescentes.

This event is generously sponsored by the Friends of the Brookline Public Library.

On Display at the Library

Brookline Village Library
Linked and Inked - These two art displays show the work of multi-disciplinary artist and educator, Matisse DuPont. During the lockdown, Matisse began weaving chainmaille as a way to keep their hands busy. Later, Matisse returned to visual arts to play with the fluid dynamic properties of acrylic inks. On display through June 28.

Ethan’s Sea Glass and Dash’s LEGO Collection - Check out the collections on display in the Children’s Room. In our flat case, Ethan shares his collection of sea glass. Ethan is in the second grade at Lincoln School. This sea glass was collected from Ramona Beach on Lake Ontario. The blue glass is Ethan’s favorite! In our wall case, Dash shares her LEGO collection. Dash is 11 years old and in the fifth grade. She worked hard on this LEGO collection! On display through June 20.
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The Library holds many regularly occurring programs for adults and kids of all ages. Check out what's happening this week – and click on the links for more information and sign-ups!

For a listing of book group and movie screening titles, please visit our website.
For Adults:
For Teens & Tweens
For Kids:
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