Monday, September 2nd 2024
Hello reader!
Read on for what's happening at the library.
Putterham, Brookline Village, Coolidge Corner, and Virtual
Fall into a good book (and good conversation) this Autumn by joining us for a Monthly Meetup Group at the Library! Our Book and Social Groups take place at all three Public Library of Brookline Branches, and many offer Hybrid participation via Zoom.
Learn more about each group - and most importantly, what they're reading! - below:
*This Group offers Hybrid Meetings via Zoom
Saturday, September 7 at 3 PM
What do you call a king who gives up his kingdom? A fool? Or a father ready to pass on the burdens of power?
Join us at the Putterham Library with actors Stephen Collins and Poornima Kirby from New Muse Productions for this haunting, darkly funny adaptation of Shakespeare’s timeless classic. This one-hour production draws directly from Shakespeare’s text, with Stephen Collins as the mercurial King Lear, and Poornima Kirby as his devoted, clear-eye fool, who narrates the action, and flows fluidly between Lear’s daughters, friends, enemies.
This artistic adaptation honors the beautiful essence of the play, while bringing fresh life and a playful twist to its timeless questions of mortality, loyalty, and the parent-child bond.
Please note this program will be outdoors on the library lawn — sunscreen, water, and picnic blankets encouraged! If the weather isn’t suitable, we’ll move it inside to the Meeting Room.
This event is generously sponsored by the Brookline Library Foundation.
Saturday, September 7 at 1 PM
In this program with Hillel Bromberg you will spend some time getting to know tea’s delightful flavors and aromas, as well as its fascinating history, how it’s made, where it’s from, and what it can do for you.
You’ll learn how to steep tea for best flavor and sample several varieties, such as a delicate white, smooth oolong, refreshing green, malty black, and a, well, we won’t give away the surprise.
No registration is needed. The program is limited to first 35 attendees.
This event is generously sponsored by the Brookline Library Foundation.
Monday, September 9 at 7 PM
Who among us hasn’t spent time in a bookstore just meandering around and finding hidden treasures?
Don’t miss a chat with author Evan Friss about The Bookshop: A History of the American Bookstore – an affectionate and engaging history of the American bookstore and its central place in American cultural life, from department stores to indies, from highbrow dealers trading in first editions to sidewalk vendors, and from chains to special-interest community destinations.
Wednesday, September 11 at 6 PM
Strummerville Ukulele Club is touring the public libraries of eastern Massachusetts, bringing their fun-loving jams to lawn outside the Public Library of Brookline.
The Library has a small supply of ukuleles you can use if you don’t have your own! All levels welcome, from beginners to seasoned hands.
Wednesday, September 18 at 6:30 PM
Join visible mender, Mariko Sugimori, to learn about the history of Sashiko, a technique to reinforce worn fabric and/or repair textiles, and work on some Sashiko samplers.
All the materials will be provided, but attendees are invited to bring in woven, not stretchy clothing to practice this technique on.
This class is recommended for individuals with some hand-sewing experience. Registration is required and opens on Wednesday, September 4 at 6:30 PM on the Eventbrite page here.
Mariko, Instagram @Mona_and_Zoe, started her love of fiber arts as a child sewing doll clothes on her mom’s vintage Singer sewing machine and learning to knit at my local yarn store. Her creative visible mending journey of the past 8 years was in large part inspired and influenced by her Japanese father’s concept of Mottainai, which roughly translates to “what a waste.” It’s a phrase commonly used to express regret of throwing something away when it still holds value.
This event is generously sponsored by the Brookline Library Foundation.
Tuesday, September 3 through Tuesday, September 17
Join local repositories for exhibits & open house sessions highlighting a combined two centuries of materials related to the history of education in Boston and surrounding neighborhoods.
Selections from Public Library of Brookline’s Archives & Special Collections will be on display in an Exhibit highlighting historical photographs of Brookline Schools.
Visit the Exhibit any time during Library hours September 3 – 17 at our Brookline Village Branch.
And be sure to check out additional Crawl events and exhibits happening at Boston Public Library’s Special Collections, the Boston Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph Archives, Northeastern University Special Collections, Burns Library at Boston College, and the State Library of Massachusetts! Find details on exhibit hours and open house dates here.
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, September 4 at 9:30 AM
Thursday, September 5 at 5 PM
For adults, teens, and children ages 6 and up.
Patrons 6-8 must be accompanied by a caretaker.
Saturday, September 7 at 11 AM
Tickets available at the Hi! Desk starting at 10am on the day of the Event.
Saturday, September 21 from 2 to 4 PM
This is a drop in program for Adults. Feel free to stop in and stay for as long or as little as you like!
On the Calendar for Adults
On the Calendar for Kids, Tweens, and Teens