Monday, November 18th 2024

Hello reader!

Read on for what's happening at the library.

Take our Late Night at the Library Survey

We want to hear from you! This year, the Public Library of Brookline will be hosting a series of “after hours” programs - or events when the Library is typically closed. Whether your home library is Brookline Village, Coolidge Corner, or Putterham, please take the survey to help us plan programs that better meet your needs.

Intro to Emergency Preparedness

Brookline Village

Monday, November 18 at 6 PM

Could you cope if you had to evacuate your home? If your family got separated, would you know where to meet them? If you had a medical emergency, how would the emergency room doctors have access to your medical history in a timely manner?

The Office of Emergency Management and the Department of Public Health & Human Services will be offering tips and tricks to help you be prepared and be more resilient. Join us and be rewarded with peace of mind! Be Ready. Be Safe. Be Informed.

This program is for adults.

History of Nintendo with One Up Games

Brookline Village

Thursday, November 21 at 2 PM

The History of Nintendo brings a walkable/playable museum to the Brookline Village Library!

Players will be able to learn about how Nintendo started and see how the iconic console evolved to where it is today. All Nintendo systems from NES to Switch are available to play throughout the exhibit on old-school CRT TVs.

At the end of the exhibit players will have the chance to play all the OG Nintendo games on Switch emulators.

This program is for children ages 8 and up and their families!

This event is generously sponsored by the Brookline Library Foundation.

The Poop Museum with Susie Maguire

Coolidge Corner

Thursday, November 21 at 2 PM

Poop! Everyone and everything poops. In fact, pooping is one of the the MOST important bodily functions – but why? And what even is poop? Does every kind of animal or insect poop the same, or even have a butt? Who is the world’s messiest, fartiest pooper? These and many other fascinating poop-related questions will be answered during your visit to The Poop Museum!

This program is recommended for kids ages 5-9 and their families. Capacity is limited due to room safety requirements, so tickets for this session can be picked up on a first come, first served basis at the children’s desk starting at 1:30 PM on the day of the event.

This event is generously sponsored by the Brookline Library Foundation.

Let's Make Ramen!


Friday, November 22 from 2:30 to 4 PM

Ramen is one of the most popular Japanese dishes. Join us to learn how to make a delicious bowl of noodles with healthy toppings. Debra Samuels from Table for Two's Wa-Shokuiku program will be joined by Pat Tanumihardja, author of the children’s book Ramen for Everyone. Tanumihardja has also written several cookbooks. After preparing the ramen, we will eat together and have an opportunity to listen to Ms. Tanumihardja read her book. The ramen will be vegetarian.

Space is limited, and this event is open to the first 15 participants. Tickets will be available at the main desk at the Putterham Library starting at 2 PM.
This program is open to children and their families. Any child under the age of 8 must be accompanied by an adult.

This event is generously sponsored by the Brookline Library Foundation.

Upcoming Events

Art for Babies and Toddlers

Brookline Village
Tuesday, November 19 from 10:30 to 11 AM
For ages 0-4. Art materials will be provided. Drop in; no ticket required.

Teen & Tween Crafternoon

Tuesday, November 19 at 3 PM
For Teens and Tweens in grades 5-12. Today's craft: decorated pencil pouches. No registration required.

Millennial Reading Group

Coolidge Corner
Tuesday, November 19 at 7 PM
For adults. This month's book: Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain.

50+ Job Seekers Networking Group

Wednesday, November 20 from 9:30 to 11:30 AM
For adults. Topic for November 20: Interview Strategies. Registration required to receive Zoom link.

Ebooks, Audiobooks, Movies, + More: all about the eLibrary

Off-site: Brookline Senior Center
Wednesday, November 20 at 11 AM
At Brookline Senior Center. Registration required: call the Senior Center at 617-730-2770.

Archives Open Hour

Brookline Village
Wednesday, November 20 at 12 PM
For adults. No registration required. Drop in for a short presentation and discussion about local history resources.

Pups @ Putterham: Read to a Dog!

Wednesday, November 20 at 6 PM
For Kids in grades K-4. Sessions are 15 minutes and registration is required.

ideaSPACE: Intro to 3D Design with TinkerCAD

Brookline Village
Wednesday, November 20 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM
For adults. Registration required. Participants are encouraged to sign up for a TinkerCAD account ahead of time.

Citizenship Exam Preparation Class Series

Brookline Village
Saturday, November 23 at 10:30 AM
10 Class Series presented in partnership with St Mark’s Community Education Program. Currently at capacity.

Bring Your Own Craft & Conversation

Brookline Village
Saturday, November 23 from 2 to 4 PM
For adults (ages 19+). No registration required. Drop in at any time from 2 to 4 PM.

Lunch and Learn: Getting to Know Hoopla

Brookline Village
Monday, November 18 at 3:30 PM
For adults. No registration required.

Girls Who Code - Young Coders Club & Teen Coders Club

Brookline Village
Monday, November 25 from 6:30 to 7:45 PM
Young Coders Club is for ages 8-10 (grades 3-5) only. Teen Coders Club is for ages 12-18 (grades 6-12) only. Meets weekly on Mondays.

Graphic Novel Group

Brookline Village
Monday, November 25 at 7 PM
For adults. This month's book: Paying the Land by Joe Sacco. This group meets both in person and via Zoom.

On the Calendar for Adults

Tuesday, November 19
10:30 AM
Tuesday, November 19
1:30 PM
Wednesday, November 20
1:15 PM
Friday, November 22
10:30 AM

On the Calendar for Kids, Tweens, and Teens

Tuesday, November 19
10:15 AM
Tuesday, November 19
3 PM
Wednesday, November 20
10:30 AM
Wednesday, November 20
10:30 AM
Thursday, November 21
10:15 AM
Thursday, November 21
3 PM
Saturday, November 23
10:30 AM
Sunday, November 24
1:30 PM
Monday, November 25
3:30 PM
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