Monday, December 2nd 2024

Hello reader!

Read on for what's happening at the library.

Holiday Toy Drive!

All Locations

November 29 to December 15

We are collecting gifts and monetary donations to provide a brighter holiday season for more than 400 economically struggling families in Brookline. Click here for age-appropriate gift ideas and all dropbox locations around town.

What to bring: New, unwrapped toys for ages 0-12. Please do not donate items containing latex, perishable items, stuffed animals, toys with violent themes, or anything larger than 12 inches tall. Recommended price $15 and up.

How to donate: leave your gifts in the designated dropbox at any of the Library's three locations.

Sponsored by AFSCME Local 1358, Brookline Community Development Corporation, and Brookline Housing Authority.

Take our Late Night at the Library Survey

We want to hear from you! This year, the Public Library of Brookline will be hosting a series of “after hours” programs - or events when the Library is typically closed. Whether your home library is Brookline Village, Coolidge Corner, or Putterham, please take the survey to help us plan programs that better meet your needs.

Digging Deeper with the Massachusetts Horticultural Society

Brookline Village

Saturday, December 7 at 11 AM

The Library is getting a visit from the "Plant-Mobile!" Presented by the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, this program will teach kids that soil is the home to many creatures big and small. Through inquiry and experimenting, they will discover how and why soil is so important to not only humans, but the entirety of our planet. This program is intended for kids ages 5 and up.

Attendance to this program requires a free ticket, which can be picked up at the children's desk starting at 10:30AM on the morning of the program.

This program is generously sponsored by The Garden Club of Brookline.

Silent Book Club

Coolidge Corner

Thursday, December 5 from 7 to 8:30 PM

Introverts Unite! Quietly of course. This group starts with a half hour of unstructured social time and light refreshments followed by an hour of uninterrupted silent reading. Bring your own book, and take some time to tackle that TBR pile. The Silent Book Club does not have a preselected reading list. Meets every first Thursday of the month at Coolidge Corner Library.

While all ages are welcome at this book club, participants should be able to read quietly without disrupting others.

Open Gameplay with Virtual Reality

Coolidge Corner

Thursday, December 12 from 3 to 6 PM

Join us for Open Gameplay with Virtual Reality! One Up Games brings a variety of next-gen consoles and gaming monitors to the Library. Play popular, classic, and retro games - with the freedom to move around! Systems include: Nintendo Switch, XBox Series S, PlayStation 4, and Oculus Quest 2.

This program is for kids ages 8+, tweens, and teens. The event has a 30 player capacity.

This event is generously sponsored by the Brookline Library Foundation.

Bring Your Own Craft & Conversation

Brookline Village

Saturday, December 14 from 2 to 4 PM

Drop in and work on your current crafting project in the company of other crafters! Don’t have a work-in-progress right now, but want to stop in for crafty conversation and inspiration? Crafting supplies will be provided!

This is a drop in program for Adults (ages 19+). No registration is required – feel free to stop in and stay for as long or as little as you like from 2 to 4 PM.

This group meets in Meeting Room A at the Brookline Village branch.

Upcoming Events

Teen & Tween Crafternoon

Tuesday, December 3 at 3 PM
For Teens and Tweens in grades 5-12. No registration required.

Book Buddies at Brookline Village

Brookline Village
Tuesday, December 3 at 7 PM
Read to a therapy dog! For kids grades K-4. Sessions are 15 minutes and registration is required.

50+ Job Seekers Networking Group

Wednesday, December 4 from 9:30 to 11:30 AM
For adults. Topic for November 20: Interview Practice. Registration required to receive Zoom link.

Pokémon League

Coolidge Corner
Thursday, December 5 at 5 PM
For adults, teens, tweens, and children ages 6 and up. Patrons aged 6-8 must be accompanied by a caretaker. We recommend attendees create a Pokémon trainer account here.

ELL Workshop: Practice English While Making Art

Brookline Village
Friday, December 6 at 10:30 AM
For adults. Registration is required and limited to 8 people. Click here to register.

Wisdom Cafe: Winter Preparedness

Friday, December 6 at 12 PM
With the Brookline Office of Emergency Management. For adults. Coffee and pastries provided. No registration required.

Citizenship Exam Preparation Class Series

Brookline Village
Saturday, December 7 at 10:30 AM
10 Class Series presented in partnership with St Mark’s Community Education Program. Currently at capacity.

Learn Origami with Jingting

Saturday, December 7 at 2 PM
For adults of all ages and kids ages 5 and up. No registration required.

Monday Midday Mystery Group

Monday, December 9 at 12:30 PM
For adults. This month's book: Y is for Yesterday by Sue Grafton. Registration required to receive Zoom link.

Crafting + Cocoa with Welcome Blanket Brookline

Monday, December 9 at 6 PM
For all ages. No registration required - limited to first 15 attendees.

Girls Who Code - Young Coders Club & Teen Coders Club

Brookline Village
Monday, December 2 from 6:30 to 7:45 PM
Young Coders Club is for ages 8-10 (grades 3-5) only. Teen Coders Club is for ages 12-18 (grades 6-12) only. Meets weekly on Mondays.

On the Calendar for Adults

Tuesday, December 3
1:30 PM
Last meeting of 2024
Wednesday, December 4
1:30 PM
Friday, December 6
10:30 AM

On the Calendar for Kids, Tweens, and Teens

Tuesday, December 3
10:15 AM
Tuesday, December 3
3 PM
Wednesday, December 4
10:30 AM
Wednesday, December 4
10:30 AM
Thursday, December 5
10:15 AM
Thursday, December 5
3 PM
Monday, December 9
3:30 PM
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