Monday, January 20th 2025
Hello reader!
Read on for what's happening at the library.
Thursday, January 23 at 7 PM
Do you know how your tax liability is calculated? How can you determine if you should itemize your deductions or opt for the standardized version? What are the ways you might lower your tax liability?
Join the Public Library of Brookline and CFA Society Boston before filing this year for a workshop on Understanding Your Income Taxes. Learn about answering common questions regarding the many different factors to consider. Before making costly mistakes by 4/15, you should join this education session.
This program will be presented simultaneously in person and via Zoom.
Presented in partnership with CFA Society Boston.
Tuesday, January 21 at 7 PM
Join Chaya Milchtein of Mechanic Shop Femme to learn about car ownership, maintenance, and purchasing in this interactive program. Chaya has made it her mission to educate the average car owner about their vehicles in a respectful, compassionate, and easy-to-understand way. Chaya will read excerpts from her recently published book, Mechanic Shop Femme's Guide to Car Ownership, share her experiences in the automotive industry, and answer all your car questions.
This program is in partnership with the Newton Free Library and the Watertown Free Public Library.
Saturday, January 25 from 10:30 AM to 12 PM
Calling all adventurers - Dungeons and Dragons has returned to the Public Library of Brookline! Ready your swords, daggers, lutes, and leather boots for a fantastic campaign every 4th Saturday in the tween room at the Brookline Village Library. Open to new and seasoned adventurers alike!
All participants must create an account on D&D Beyond before coming to their first session, if they don't already have one.
This program is for tweens and teens in grades 5-12 (ages 10-18) only. Registration required.
Saturday, January 25 from 1 to 4 PM
Join us for Open Gameplay with Virtual Reality! One Up Games brings a variety of next-gen consoles and gaming monitors to the Library. Play popular, classic, and retro games - with the freedom to move around! Systems include: Nintendo Switch, XBox Series S, PlayStation 4, and Oculus Quest 2.
This program is for kids ages 8+, tweens, teens, and adults. The event has a 30 player capacity.
This event is generously sponsored by the Brookline Library Foundation.
Sunday, January 26 at 2 PM
The Brookline Music school Faculty Concert series continues! East Meets West brings together masterworks from Eastern European and Western musical traditions, spanning different eras and styles while showcasing lyrical artistry between BMS violin faculty member, Egle Jarkova and guest artist and pianist, Christina Ivanova-Wright.
Tuesday, January 28 at 4:15 PM - First Meeting
There's still room in our Leap Frogs book club! This book club is a group for kids in 3rd and 4th grade, which meets in the Rabbit Hole every other Tuesday at 4:15pm, starting on Tuesday, January 28th. Each book will be available to check out two weeks before every meeting. During the meetings, we will talk about the book and do a related activity! Click here to register for the Leap Frogs book club!
Thursday, January 23 at 5:30 PM
Reading is more fun when you’re reading to a dog! Our specially trained therapy dogs are accompanied by their human handlers, and will sit quietly while you read aloud to them. Bring a favorite book, and relax while you read to a friendly, furry, four-legged friend! For kids grades K-4. Sessions are 15 minutes and registration is required.
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, January 21 from 3:15 to 4 PM
For kids in grades 1-4. Meets twice a month in the Rabbit Hole. Registration required - currently at capacity. Waitlist available.
Tuesday, January 21 from 4:15 to 5 PM
For kids in grades 1 and 2. Meets twice a month in the Rabbit Hole. Registration required - currently at capacity. Waitlist available.
Tuesday, January 21 at 7 PM
For adults. Meets monthly. This month's book: When We Do Harm by Danielle Ofri, MD. No registration required.
Thursday, January 23 at 3 PM
For tweens in grades 5-7 (ages 10-13). Meets in the Tween Room. No registration required - as supplies last.
Friday, January 24 at 12 PM
For adults. This is part 1 of a 2-part program - you must attend part 1 in order to attend part 2. No registration required to attend part 1.
Saturday, January 25 from 2 to 4 PM
For adults. No registration required - drop in at any time between 2 and 4 PM.
Monday, January 27 at 2 PM
For adults. Hybrid - in person and via Zoom. This month's book: Instructions for Traveling West by Joy Sullivan. No registration required to attend in person. Sign up here to get Zoom link.
On the Calendar for Adults
Weekly Morning Programs for Kids
Weekly Afternoon Programs for Kids, Tweens, & Teens