The Public Library of Brookline is Fine Free!

The Public Library of Brookline is delighted to announce that we are now fine free! Our children’s materials were already free of late fees and we are now thrilled to do away with late fees for all of our materials.
How does it work? Beginning July 1, 2023, items borrowed at Public Library of Brookline locations will not be charged late fees. This includes items owned by other libraries in the Minuteman Network that are checked out in Brookline, and it applies to everyone checking out materials at a Brookline Library, regardless of residency. However, if you go to another library in the Minuteman Network and check out materials there, those materials will be subject to that library’s policies. You will still receive due-date reminders when materials are renewed or due to be returned.
Please note that items checked out from Brookline that remain long overdue will still be billed for replacement fees, as will significantly damaged materials. If long overdue items are returned, the replacement fees will disappear.
Removing fines is a major step in our continual efforts to make the Library as equitable, accessible, and welcoming an environment as possible. We thank the Library Trustees and the Town of Brookline for approving this new policy. We are so pleased to be a fine free library!