Crankie Storytelling with The Magid Ensemble!
Join us! – for Shterna and the Lost Voice: a musical crankie storytelling adventure! This new folktale by A.C. Weaver is inspired by mythical stories of Elyahu Hanovi and traditional Yiddish folklore. Shterna and the Lost Voice follows a young woman’s quest from the realms of the dead to the celestial gardens of the immortal – all to restore her friend’s lost voice. Shterna’s epic adventure is accompanied by live original klezmer music while the narrative unfolds through a papercut crankie. This dynamic performance is geared towards audiences of all ages!
Shterna and the Lost Voice is presented by The Magid Ensemble (magid, meaning “storyteller” in Yiddish) – a new collaboration featuring award-winning klezmer musicians and composers Mattias Kaufmann, Raffi Boden, and Rachel Leader, Yiddishist storyteller A. C. Weaver, and visual artist Kiah Raymond. The Magid Ensemble explores the interplay of sound, story, light, and shadow to create expressive and immersive storytelling landscapes.
What is a crankie? A crankie is a long scroll wound onto two spools that illustrates a story as it unwinds. Kiah Raymond’s original crankie incorporates shadow puppetry inspired by Jewish papercut art.
This project is produced by members of Mamaliga Klezmer Band.
This event is generously sponsored by Combined Jewish Philanthropies, and the Brookline Local Cultural, a local agency which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.
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Brookline Village - Hunneman Hall
361 Washington Street, Brookline, MA 02445, United StatesAccessibility
Hunneman Hall is located on the second floor of the Brookline Village Library. To access, use one of the main entrances, which are equipped with ramps and door openers, followed by the elevator in the atrium. This venue is equipped with assistive listening transmitters and devices, available upon request.
Need aids or accommodations? Email our administration team or give us a call at 617-730-2360 for more information.
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