Endpaper Studio Exhibit Reception

collage of book covers

Word and Image is a curated collection of book and cover design work created by Endpaper Studio. The exhibit highlights projects with local ties—projects whose authors, stories, photographers, artists, or publishers have New England roots.

Brookline residents George Restrepo and Lisa Diercks of Endpaper Studio will be available for questions at this reception for the exhibit, which is on display at the Coolidge Corner Library through August 31.

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Thursday, July 27, 2023

4:00 pm - 6:00 pm


Coolidge Corner
31 Pleasant Street, Brookline, MA 02446


The Coolidge Corner Library’s main entrance is equipped with a ramp and door openers.

Need aids or accommodations? Email our administration team or give us a call at 617-730-2360 for more information.

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