Poetry Writers Meetup

Do you love to write poetry? Do you want to connect with other poets in the area? Join us for a get-together with poets from Brookline and Greater Boston! We’ll meet in an informal setting to share our experiences writing and discuss what we’re reading. Whether you’re just starting to write poetry or have been writing for a while, if you’re looking for a community of poets, you’re welcome to join us.

The Poetry Writers Meetup is hosted by Brookline’s current poet laureate, Jennifer Barber. For our April meeting during National Poetry Month, we invite you to bring in a poem you love and would like to read aloud to our group. This could be a poem written by a friend or by a well-known poet, or a poem you recently encountered by a poet who is new to you. This program is open to all adults and is especially geared towards emerging poets.

This program is in partnership with the Brookline Commission for the Arts.

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Tuesday, April 16, 2024

7:00 pm - 8:15 pm


Brookline Village - Tween Room
361 Washington Street, Brookline, MA 02445, United States


The Brookline Village Tween Room is located on the ground floor of the Brookline Village Library. To access, use one of the main entrances, which are equipped with ramps and door openers, followed by the elevator in the atrium.

Need aids or accommodations? Email our administration team or give us a call at 617-730-2360 for more information.

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