Virtual Event: Songs with Seth
Join special performer Seth Hanson for a virtual, interactive singalong! This program is for families and kids of all ages, but will be mostly targeted to our friends who are 0-5 years old.
This singalong will be run on Zoom and will not be recorded or streamed during or afterwards. We can’t wait to sing along with you!
Sign up for singalong here!
Zoom Guidelines:
- Never leave your child unattended at the computer. Caretaker participation and guidance is essential for a productive, valuable program. We are doing our best to ensure that this space is as safe as possible, but please keep in mind that all Library programs are open to the public.
- When you arrive, you will be placed in a waiting room before the start of the program. We will begin admitting patrons when the program begins.
- We encourage you to actively participate at home, but please keep in mind that our staff may mute you at any time so as not to distract other participants.
- Staff reserves the right to remove any participant from the program if they are in violation of the Appropriate Patron Behavior Policy.
This event is generously sponsored by
the Brookline Library Foundation.
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Virtual - Zoom
361 Washington Street, Brookline, MA 02445, United StatesAccessibility
Live closed captioning available on request.
Need aids or accommodations? Email our administration team or give us a call at 617-730-2360 for more information.