The 86th Village: An Evening with Sena Desai Gopal

book cover, 86th village

Sena Desai Gopal is the author of the novel The 86th Village and a journalist specializing in science and medicine, food, and travel. Her work has been published in The Boston Globe, The Atlantic, Modern Farmer, and The Times of India, among others. In this talk, she will address the growing problem, often referred to as “Managed Retreat,” of how to resettle people displaced by floods, fires, droughts and more. Governments around the world are struggling to find the means to help victims of natural and manmade catastrophes, and falling short because they do not have the money or the know-how.

The talk will be informed by the author’s experience growing up in Yadahalli, a village in Southern India that will one day drown in the backwaters of one of India’s biggest, most ambitious dams, The Upper Krishna Project. One hundred and seventy-six villages will go underwater, and more than 123,000 families will be displaced. The government does not have a concrete rehabilitation plan for the people who will be left homeless and without livelihoods. What does this mean for the village residents, the country, and our world?

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Thursday, February 2, 2023

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Coolidge Corner - Meeting Room
31 Pleasant Street, Brookline, MA 02446


The Coolidge Corner is located on the ground floor of the Coolidge Corner Library. There are three methods of access: (1) Use the main entrance, which is equipped with a ramp and door openers, followed by the lift in the far east corner of the ground floor. (2) Follow the outdoor ramp around the north side of the building to the ground floor entrance, which is equipped with a door opener, followed by three stairs from the hallway into the room, or (3) follow the outdoor ramp around the north side of the building to the back entrance, which is equipped with a door opener. This venue is equipped with assistive listening transmitters and devices, available upon request.

Need aids or accommodations? Email our administration team or give us a call at 617-730-2360 for more information.

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