All Library locations will close Monday, January 20 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Purchase Request Form

Please Search the Catalog first!

Before you send in your purchase request, please note:

  • We will accept purchase requests for items set to be released up to three months from the current date. Anything without a release date or set to be released after three months from the current date will not be considered.
  • If you request that we add a hold for you, we will add a hold to your record for any item we purchase from your recommendation. Please be aware we cannot guarantee your priority on any one item’s request list.

  • Contact Information

  • (14 digits, no spaces)
    (Check yes if you would like us to place a hold on this item for you if purchased.)
  • * Required Fields. We only accept requests from registered borrowers. Please include E-Mail or Phone in case we have questions.

    Please review your information and click here to submit.